T r a c e P l u s 3 2 / W I N S O C K 32 bit Winsock Debugging Facility ========================================================================= INSTALLATION Create a directory for TracePlus32/WINSOCK, i.e. C:\SST. Copy all the files contained in this ZIP file to that directory. To run the TracePlus demonstration, select "Run..." from the "File" menu of the Program Manager and type: C:\SST\TPWINS32 Press Ok or to start TracePlus32/Winsock. ========================================================================= Using TracePlus32 with Netscape Navigator 2.0 Please note that the large number of failed connect() calls that TracePlus displays when tracing Netscape Navigator is accurate. The method that Netscape uses for connecting is to call connect() repeatedly until WSAEICONN is received, signifying connection has been established. ========================================================================= Using TracePlus32 with Visual Basic 4.00 To use TracePlus32 to trace Visual Basic 4.00 applications in DESIGN MODE, do the following: 1. Select the Filters item from the Trace menu. 2. Check the box next to the words Launch application below. 3. Press the Choose Application button. Find the Visual Basic 4.00 .EXE file, i.e. VB32.EXE (It usually is in the \VB40 directory). Double-click on it The Choose Application dialog box will disappear, and the filename will appear in the Filters dialog box. 4. Press Ok to close the Filters dialog box. 5. Press the Start button on the toolbar, or select Start from the Trace menu. ========================================================================= NOTES ON 32 BIT VERSIONS OF TRACEPLUS 32 bit versions of TracePlus use the standard Microsoft defined debugging interface for Win32 applications. The Microsoft interface does not permit detaching from a process after debugging has started. Therefore, if TracePlus is terminated, it will also terminate all processes being traced. Stopping the trace will not detach TracePlus from a process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be sure that if you are tracing a server application, leave the TracePlus32 application running after stopping the trace, or terminate the server application, and restart it (be sure that TracePlus32 is not running or the trace is stopped before starting the server application again). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TracePlus32 has an option called "Trace Processes started from Desktop. This feature will automatically trace an application under two conditions: 1. The application has a main window (i.e., not a Win32 console application). 2. The trace will be initiated at the point where the main window receives the WM_CREATE message. This means that any API calls made before this message is received will not be traced. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TracePlus32 can trace a Win32 console application. To do this, launch the console application from TracePlus32. See the topic "Setting Filters" in the help file for more details on this procedure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The procedure for tracing 32 bit applications launched from the desktop is as follows: 1. Make sure that a checkmark is next to the item Trace processes started from desktop in the Filters dialog box. 2. Unselect the option Launch specified application 3. Press OK (not Cancel) to close the Filters dialog box. 4. Click on the Start button on the toolbar, or press Ctrl+S. 5. Launch the Win32 application that you want to trace. Make sure that it creates a main window. TracePlus32 does not trace Win32 applications started before TracePlus32, unless they are explicitly selected from the Tasks listbox. See the topic "Setting Filters" for more details on this procedure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TracePlus32 does not trace 16 bit Windows applications. ========================================================================= GENERAL NOTES The trace buffer size is limited to storing up to 50 most recent trace records. The monochrome, file, and printer log options in the Options dialog box will also be disabled. Otherwise all other features are fully functional. Note: This demonstration does not require WINSOCK.DLL on the system in order to execute. However, it won't be much of a demon- stration! ========================================================================= SAMPLE LOG FILE We have included a trace log file that was generated using the Export feature, so that you can see what this feature provides. To load the sample log file, select Import from the Trace menu, then choose SAMPLE.RDF (it will be in the same directory as TracePlus). Be sure to view the PC Configuration (This log was generated from the author's machine).